Monday, January 20, 2014

Third Quarter Parent Letter 2014

January 21, 2014

RE: Third Quarter Tests and Projects

Dear Parents and Students,

This is the start of the Third Quarter and we will be focusing our studies in 9th Grade Socratic on Rome and the Roman Empire. We will be reading a lot of primary source documents in our packet (which is our textbook) including two excerpts from Vergil’s Aeneid.  We will also be studying two Shakespeare plays this quarter, Antony and Cleopatra, and Julius Caesar.

There are two major projects which will be assigned this term. The first is a book report on a book of their choosing (which I need to approve) which is about one of the civilizations we are studying this year. The second is a compare and contrast report which will be written in MLA Format and include at least two reliable and scholarly sources. Following is a list when these projects are due:

·         Pick a Book (10 points)                                                                   Due: TH, January 30

·         Final Civilization Book Report (50 points)                                    Due: T, February 11

·         Pick a Subject for Compare/Contrast Report (10 points)         Due: TH, February 6

·         First Draft (35 points)                                                                      Due: TH, February 27

·         Final Paper and Presentation (50 + 25 points)                            Due: T, March 11

The test dates for this quarter will be:

·         Test on Early Roman History                        TH, February 13


·         Test on Roman History                                  T, March 18


Please be advised that weekly there is a vocabulary list which the students must study and find the definitions. There is also a weekly paragraph which they are to write on some question or subject applicable to what we are studying. The classroom blog site is always up to date with the latest homework assignments. It is: Please help your students stay on top of their assignments. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you for your support!

Marianna Richardson

9th Grade Socratic Teacher

___________________________________      ______________________________________

Parent Signature                                                              Student Name (Please Print)

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