Saturday, November 23, 2013

Homework from 11/25/2013 to Christmas break

M, 11/25: Study material in our packet.

“The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in a good education.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #18 of Homer, pp. 352 - 365.

T, 11/26: Study material in our packet. Homer Quiz.

“The wildest colts make the best horses.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #19 of Homer, pp. 378 – 388, 423 - 436.
Work on Greek Project which is DUE, Wednesday, 12/11.

11/27, 11/28, 11/29 - NO SCHOOL

M, 12/2: Plato, Allegory of the Cave.

“Those who aim at great deeds must also suffer greatly.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #20 of Homer pp. 437 - 465. Finish Homer!

Vocabulary List 13A, Due TH, 12/5 (Last one!)
Vocabulary List #13A

T, 12/3: Finish Homer. Final Quiz.

“To be ignorant of the lives of the most celebrated men of antiquity is to continue in a state of childhood all your days.” Plutarch

Homework:  Work on Greek PowerPoint Presentations.

*Write a paragraph on how the Greek world affects your life today. What is your personal favorite thing about the Greeks? Due TH, 12/5.

W, 12/4: Alexander, the Great.

“To find fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.” Plutarch

Homework:  Study for Test on T, 12/10.

TH, 12/5 The Hellenization of the World. #13A Vocabulary Due.

“To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.” Plutarch

Homework:  Work on Greek Powerpoint Presentations, Due, W 12/11.

F, 12/6 (B): Socratic Discussion: Is democracy the best form of government?

M, 12/9: Study for Test.

“We ought not to treat living creatures like shoes or household belongings, which when worn with use we throw away.” Plutarch

Homework: Study for TEST.

T, 12/10: TEST.

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.” Plutarch

Homework: Finish Greek PowerPoint Presentations.

W, 12/11: Presentation of PowerPoints.

“When the strong box contains no more, both friends and flatterers shun the door.” Plutarch

HomeworkBring Greek treats for Extra Credit on M, 12/16.   

TH, 12/12: Presentation of PowerPoints. Hand-out Study Guides and discuss final.

“A true friend is one soul in two bodies.” Aristotle

Homework: Study for Final.

F, 12/13 (A): Socratic Discussion: Are ancient writing of dead people still relevant for us today?

M, 12/16: Review Study Guide for Literature.

T, 12/17: Review Study Guide for History.

Finals on 12/18, 12/19, 12/20

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Homework and Lecture Schedule 11/11 to 11/26

M, 11/11: Go over study guide

“Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech.” Plutarch

Homework: Study for the Test Due T, 11/12.

Vocabulary List #11 A. Due TH, 11/15.
T, 11/12: TEST

“Nothing is harder to direct than a man in prosperity; nothing more easily managed than one in adversity.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #11 of Homer. (pp. 241 - 254)
W, 11/13: Early Sparta and Early Athens. Mr. Simmons Lecture.

“Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #12 of Homer (pp. 269 - 284),

TH, 11/14: Vocabulary Quiz,  Sophocles Oedipus.

“Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #13 of Homer (pp. 284 - 293).  Due: M, 11/19.

Greek Project assigned: Do a power point presentation and a short page report on some aspect of Classical Greece. Due: T, 12/10.

 F, 11/15 (B): Socratic Discussion:  Why are we so enamored with super heroes? First Draft Due.

M, 11/18: Persian War I and II and rise of Classic Greece. Descriptive writing. 

“Adversity is the only balance to weigh friends.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #14 of Homer (pp. 298 - 314). 

*Write a descriptive paragraph describing a picture. Bring in the picture and the paragraph T, 11/19.

Vocabulary List 12 A, Due, TH, 11/21.

T, 11/19: Peloponnessian Wars. Review descriptive paragraphs.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #15 of Homer (pp. 314 - 331).
Work on second term writing assignment. Due 11/21,

W, 11/20: Democracy in Athens. Sophocles, Antigone

“The omission of good is no less reprehensible than the commission of evil.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #16 of Homer (pp. 332 - 341). Finish First Term Writing Assignment. 

TH, 11/21: Sophocles, Antigone & Greek Myth Final Paper DUE!.

“The real destroyer of liberty of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #17 of Homer (pp. 341 - 351).

F, 11/22 (A): Is a democracy always better than a dictatorship? Read some of the myths.

M, 11/25: Plato, The Allegory of the Cave. Why did Athens fall?
Present Greek Project.
Greek Term Project: Present one aspect of Greek life using a PowerPoint or Prezi. Due T, 12/10.

“The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in a good education.” Plutarch

Homework: Reading #18 of Homer (pp. 352 - 365).

T, 11/26: The Rise of Macedonia. Watch The Odyssey Movie.

“The wildest colts make the best horses.” Plutarch

***Please work on your GREEK TERM PROJECT during Thanksgiving break!!!

Homework: Reading #19 of Homer (pp. 378 – 388, 423 - 436).

11/27, 11/28, 11/29 - NO SCHOOL