Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tests and Major Projects for 9th Grade Socratic Class 2013-2014

Tests and Major Projects for 9th Grade Socratic Class 2013-2014

First Term


W, 9/18 – Test on Archaeology, Anthropology, Socrates and Sumer

T, 10/2 – Test on The Epic of  Gilgamesh

TH, 10/17 – Test on Ancient Civilizations




First Term Writing Project : Write a personal narrative explaining how one person made a difference in your life. This story should be based on fact, not fiction.  This paper can be written in first person (“I”). This paper should focus on one story of a snapshot of a single event that happened in your life.  

First Draft Due – F, 9/6 (A) and F, 9/13 (B); Final Paper Due – W, 9/25


Civilization Project: Pick one aspect (such as writing, clothing, weaponry, etc.) of one of the civilizations we are studying this term (Sumeria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Israel, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia) and write a one-page summary of the information you have found. Try to become an expert in this one area. Present your research using a short powerpoint or poster or visual which you made. Due, T, 10/8.


Second Term



T, 11/12 – Test on Archaic Greece and The Iliad

TH, 12/5 – Test on Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, Antigone, and Classic Greece History

Finals – W, 12/18, TH, 12/19, F, 12/20




Second Term Writing Assignment: Pick a Greek myth and retell the story using dialogue and details. Your focus should be to enable your reader to see, feel, and understand the characters in the myth. You are not simply relating the facts, but telling a story that is interesting and appealing to read.

Pick a Myth. Due F, 10/25 (B), and F, 11/1 (A); First Draft. Due F, 11.8 (B) and F, 11/15 (A); Final Paper Due, TH, 11/21.


Greek Powerpoint Presentation: Pick one aspect of the Greek civilization (such as government, coinage, weapons, clothing, Olympics, etc.) and do some research. Make an 8 slide powerpoint presentation and present it to the class. Due, T, 12/10.


Third Term



TH, 2/13 – Test on Early Roman History

T, 3/18 – Test on Roman History



Aeneid Project: Do a visual project on Virgil’s poem, The Aeneid. This can be a picture, a video, a photo essay, a powerpoint presentation, a poster, or a diorama. Please use your creativity.  Due: T, 2/11


Civilization Book Report: Pick a book that you have NOT read before about one of the civilizations we are studying this year. It can be a fiction or a non-fiction book.

Pick Book – Due: W, 2/12; Report Due: T, 3/14


Compare and Contrast Report: Write a research report comparing and contrasting one area of Ancient Roman life with our modern American culture today. Subjects may include government, architecture, women’s rights, racing, war, etc.  Only four research sources are required. Pick a Subject – Due: TH, 2/6; First Draft - Due: (A) F, 2/21; (B) F, 2/28

Final Paper—Due: T, 3/11


Fourth Quarter



T, 4/22 – Test on China, Islam, and the beginning of Medieval History

W. 5/13 – Test on Beowulf

T, 5/20 – Test on Medieval History

T, 5/27, W, 5/28, TH, 5/29 - FINALS




Epic Poem Project: Write an epic poem with three monsters and at least 100 lines.  Due: TH, 5/8


Chivalry Project                : All the 9th graders participate in this project. Each young man is given a young woman (or young women—depending on the class) to be chivalrous to during school.  TH, 4/24 to TH, 5/8 (2 weeks)


Research Report: Formulate a research question on any of the civilizations we have studied. Write a research report answering that question. The paper should be 8-10 pages in length and use at least six research sources. 

Pick a Research Question—Due: TH, 4/3

Complete Works Cited Page—Due: TH, 4/17

Complete Note Cards—Due: TH, 4/24

First Draft—Due: (A) F, 5/2; (B)5/9

Final Draft—Due: W,  5/14



Every week, there will be vocabulary lists given on Monday for a test on Thursday.

There will be a short weekly writing assignment (usually, a paragraph) assigned weekly.

There will be homework reading assignments given on Monday through Thursday evenings.


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