Sunday, August 26, 2012

Long Term Assignments & Test Schedule for Term 1

Long-term Writing Assignment for Term 1:

Write a story about how one person made a difference in their family, in their school, in their community or in the world. This story should be based on fact, not fiction. Do some reserach adn find out about someone in your family or someone you admire or an historical figure. It could even be a personal story, if you have felt you have made a difference because of something you have done. This story is not a biography of an entire person's life. Instead, it is only one short story or snapshot of a single event. Focus on dialogue to illustrate how the main character communicates with others in order to change his/her environment.
First Draft due:  A Day - Friday, Sept 7. B Day - Friday, Sept. 14.
Final Draft due: TH, October 18

Book Review for Term 1:

Read a book about someone who has made a difference. Show the book to Mrs. Richardson by TH, Sept. 13. Write a one page review about how the person in the book made a difference in the world.
Due: M, October 8

Test Schedule

Test - TH, 9/13
Test - T, 9/25
Test - T, 10/9
Final Test for Term - TH, 10/18

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