nConfucius—the First Teacher
Fu-Tzu (latinized to
q“Kung the master”
qb. 551 B.C.
China to persuade political leaders to follow his ideas
qFew listened, but a small group
of followers recorded his sayings and teachings
nEventually, his teachings spread throughout
nMoral Teachings of Confucius
nBased around 4 themes
qJen (pronounced “ren”; “love”, “good”, “true manhood”
nAttaining jen is the object of education
qLi (moral codes, ethics, acceptable
qHsiao (filial piety)
qChung Yung (the golden mean)
nCf. Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics
nTwo important elements: duty & humanity
nPersonal needs are subordinate to
larger needs of family & community
nCompassion and empathy for others
Constant Relationships:
qParent & Child
qHusband & Wife
qOlder Sibling & Younger
qOlder Friend & Younger Friend
qRuler & Subject
nA philosophical system interested in politics and ethics, not spirituality
qHow does Confucianism compare
with Christianity?
nInteractive Confucius
n“Thinking about our individual lives and their relation to the
communities in which we participate.”
nBy lifting ideas from Chinese tradition and
applying them to our own lives-we can gain greater understanding of ourselves
by looking at the “other.”
nHow Worldwide are Confucius’ Teachings?
nMan with one chopstick go hungry.
nMan who jump off cliff, jump to conclusion!
nHe who thinks only of number one must
remember this number is next to nothing.
nMan who pushes piano down mineshaft get tone
of A flat miner
nFind out if your neighbor has a confucius joke
that you haven’t heard. If it is a particularly good one, raise your hand to
share with the class.
nThe Influence of Confucius
nKnowledge of his Analects was required to pass the civil service
nHis teachings were written down on bamboo
strips after his death by his followers and their students
nActivity: Pick any teacher from elementary or junior high or any learning
environment: school, church, family, friends. Think what they have taught you.
Will you teach the generation that follows after you? Will you tell this
teacher’s stories? Will their impact be as great as it was on the disciples of
Confucius? Discuss this with your neighbor and write your thoughts.
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