Monday, February 18, 2013

Study Guide - Roman Republic Test

Study Guide for Roman History Test

1.       Why was the city of Rome so well placed geographically?


2.       How was Ancient Rome influenced by Ancient Greece?


3.       What are FIVE ways Roman civilization has affected your life?



4.       What are the three major historical eras or periods of time for Ancient Rome?


5.       Describe the birth of Romulus and Remus.


6.       What is the date of the founding of Rome?

7.       How did Romulus become the first king of Ancient Rome?



8.       Describe the story of The Rape of the Sabine Women. Why was it so crucial in the development of Rome?


9.       How were women treated in Rome?



10.   What are the names of the seven kings of Rome? Be able to put them in the right order.


11.   What did Tullus Hostilius do for Rome?


12.   What happened to Ancus Marcius’ sons?


13.   How did Lucius Tarquinius Priscus end his rule of Rome?


14.   Who are considered the Etruscan kings?


15.   What are some influences of the Etruscans on Rome?

16.   Name at least FIVE of the Sevian Reforms by Servius Tullius.


17.   How did Servius Tullius end his rule of Rome?


18.   Who was Lucius Tarquinius Superbus?


19.   How did The Rape of Lucretia have a long-term effect on the government in Rome?


20.   How did Lucius Tarquinius Superbus end his rule of Rome?


21.   What was the date of the beginning of the Ancient Roman Republic?


22.   Who was one of the first Roman consuls?


23.   Describe the three parts of the Roman Republic—Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.



24.   How did Pliny describe the Roman Constitution?


25.   Name some of the governmental checks and balances found in the Roman Republic.


26.   What is the Struggle of the Orders? How did the Romans solve this problem?



27.   What are the Twelve Tables? What is the importance of having statutory laws?



28.   Describe the Roman military pre-Marian reforms (Gaius Marias) and post-Marian reforms.


29.   What is the significance of the name Punic?

30.   What happened in the first, second, and third Punic Wars?


31.   How did these wars change the Republic into an  Empire?



32.   Describe the defeat of the Romans by Hannibal in the Battle of Lake Trasnine and the Battle of Cannae.


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