Tuesday, December 11, 2012

World Lit. Semester Final Study Guide

World Literature Semester Final – Study Guide

1.       List five things you have learned about Socrates.




2.       What did Socrates teach people of Athens in his final words written by Plato in Apology?




3.       What are some differences between dialogue and debate?




4.       What is a Socratic discussion? What has been your favorite discussion so far this school year?



5.       Name at least THREE strengths and THREE weaknesses of the character, Gilgamesh, in The Epic of Gilgamesh.




6.       What is the epic journey cycle? How did Gilgamesh fit each stage of the cycle?




7.       Compare The Epic of Gilgamesh version of the flood to the Biblical version of the flood. What are the similarities and differences?



8.       Describe themes found in The Epic.




9.       Describe symbols from The Epic.





10.   Describe motifs from The Epic.




11.   Did Gilgamesh achieve immortality? Why or why not?




12.   Know the following characters from The Epic:

a.       Gilgamesh

b.      Ishtar

c.       Ninsun

d.      Ea

e.      Urshanabi

f.        Humbaba

g.       Siduri

h.      Enkidu

i.         Upnapishtim

j.        Shamash

k.       Enlil

13.   In the Shakespeare play, Anthony and Cleopatra, what happens to the two lovers? Why are they caught in such a difficult situation?




14.   Know the following gods:

a.       Yahweh

b.      Osiris

c.       Isis

d.      Atum (Ra)

15.   Know the following gods:

a.       Zeus

b.      Hera

c.       Poseidon

d.      Hestia

e.      Hades

f.        Athena

g.       Aphrodite

h.      Ares

i.         Apollo

j.        Hermes

16.   Know the following characters in The Iliad (especially, whether they are on the GREEK or TROJAN side):

a.       Agamemnon

b.      Priam

c.       Hector

d.      Achilles

e.      Patroclus

f.        Nestor

g.       Hera

h.      Hephaestos

i.         Paris

j.        Sarpedon

k.       Apollo

17.   What are some themes found in The Iliad?




18.   What are symbols used in The Iliad?




19.   Why was Achilles so upset when Patroclus was killed? (Give specific reasons from the text.)




20.   Was it fair that Achilles killed Hector? (Give specific reasons from the text.)




21.   Why were the gods involved in the Trojan War?




22.   Review some metaphors and similes in The Iliad and understand their meaning.

23.   Review the study guide for the test on The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, Antigone and Classic Greece History

24.   Review the study guide on the play, Antigone.


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