Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Study Guide for The Odyssey and Classic Greece

Study Guide for Test on The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, Antigone and Classic Greece History

1.       What is the story of Oedipus Rex?



2.       What are the basic points of Greek Tragedy?



3.       Who wrote Oedipus Rex and Antigone? Tell some details of his life.




4.       What is a theme in Oedipus Rex?



5.       Name the main characters of the play



6.       What is the story of The Odyssey?



7.       Know the following main characters:


a.       Odysseus

b.      Telemachus

c.       Eurylochus

d.      Penelope

e.      Antinous

f.        Calypso

g.       Charybdis

h.      Scylla

i.         Circe

j.        Athena

k.       Polyphemus


8.       What does in medias res mean? What is the importance of the term for The Odyssey?



9.       Name a theme of The Odyssey.

10.   Write out a basic story line of The Odyssey.


11.   What are some symbols in The Odyssey?



12.   What was your favorite part of The Odyssey?



13.   Describe the two Persian Wars against Greece and the major battles.




14.   Describe the Greek Peloponnesian War.



15.   Why was the plague of Athens so devastating?


16.   Describe the major characteristics of the Athenian society, esp. their government.



17.   Describe the major characteristics of the Spartan society, esp. their government.



18.   What were some of the causes for the downfall of Ancient Athens?


19.   Why was Greece easily conquered by the Macedonians?



20.   Who was Pericles? What did he do for Athens?

**Review the study for Antigone, too!!!

World Civ. Semester Final Study Guide

World Civilization Semester Final – Study Guide

1.       What are the SIX characteristics of a civilization?




2.       What are some principles the Roman historian, Lucian, challenged all historians to follow?




3.       Who are the Nacirema? How did this article help you understand the way scientists may look at any civilization?




4.       What are the similarities and differences between archaeology and anthropology?





5.       Describe the chronology of man’s development from the First Humans to the Bronze Age (which includes the Sumerian civilization).





6.       Where is Mesopotamia? Why is it called the Fertile Crescent and the Cradle of Civilization?




7.       Know the following terms:

a.       City-state

b.      Ziggurat

c.       Polytheism

d.      Monotheism

e.      Dynasty

f.        Pharaoh

g.       Black Land

h.      Red Land

i.         Vizier

j.        Mummification

8.       Know the following people:

a.       Ramses ii

b.      King David

c.       King Jeroboam

d.      King Rehoboam

e.      Hammurabi

f.        Sargon

9.       Know the three periods of Ancient Egypt history and the major characteristics of each one.




10.   Are Ancient Law Codes fair? Why or why not?




11.   What was the first written language? How did writing progress? How did writing effect civilization?


12.   Compare the early civilizations of Sumer, Egypt and Israel. Write down their similarities and their differences.





13.   Describe the major characteristics of the Phoenician civilization.




14.   Describe the major characteristics of the Assyrian Empire.




15.   Describe the major characteristics of the Babylonian Empire.





16.   Describe the major characteristics of the Persian Empire.




17.   Know these terms:

a.       Polis

b.      Acropolis

c.       Agora

d.      Hoplite

e.      Arete

f.        Phalanx

g.       Tyrant

h.      Democracy

i.         Oligarchy

j.        Helot

k.       Ephor

18.   Know the time periods and basic facts of each of the following historical time periods of Greece (MEMORIZE the dates):

a.       Minoan Crete


b.      Mycenaen Greece



c.       The Greek Dark Ages


d.      Archaic Greece



e.      Classic Greece


19.   What were some of the reasons for the Greek Dark Ages?



20.   When did Homer live? What was the time period of the Trojan War?


21.   Why did Homer write about a war which happened so many years previously?




22.   Don’t forget to REVIEW the most recent study guide on Classic Greece history.

World Lit. Semester Final Study Guide

World Literature Semester Final – Study Guide

1.       List five things you have learned about Socrates.




2.       What did Socrates teach people of Athens in his final words written by Plato in Apology?




3.       What are some differences between dialogue and debate?




4.       What is a Socratic discussion? What has been your favorite discussion so far this school year?



5.       Name at least THREE strengths and THREE weaknesses of the character, Gilgamesh, in The Epic of Gilgamesh.




6.       What is the epic journey cycle? How did Gilgamesh fit each stage of the cycle?




7.       Compare The Epic of Gilgamesh version of the flood to the Biblical version of the flood. What are the similarities and differences?



8.       Describe themes found in The Epic.




9.       Describe symbols from The Epic.





10.   Describe motifs from The Epic.




11.   Did Gilgamesh achieve immortality? Why or why not?




12.   Know the following characters from The Epic:

a.       Gilgamesh

b.      Ishtar

c.       Ninsun

d.      Ea

e.      Urshanabi

f.        Humbaba

g.       Siduri

h.      Enkidu

i.         Upnapishtim

j.        Shamash

k.       Enlil

13.   In the Shakespeare play, Anthony and Cleopatra, what happens to the two lovers? Why are they caught in such a difficult situation?




14.   Know the following gods:

a.       Yahweh

b.      Osiris

c.       Isis

d.      Atum (Ra)

15.   Know the following gods:

a.       Zeus

b.      Hera

c.       Poseidon

d.      Hestia

e.      Hades

f.        Athena

g.       Aphrodite

h.      Ares

i.         Apollo

j.        Hermes

16.   Know the following characters in The Iliad (especially, whether they are on the GREEK or TROJAN side):

a.       Agamemnon

b.      Priam

c.       Hector

d.      Achilles

e.      Patroclus

f.        Nestor

g.       Hera

h.      Hephaestos

i.         Paris

j.        Sarpedon

k.       Apollo

17.   What are some themes found in The Iliad?




18.   What are symbols used in The Iliad?




19.   Why was Achilles so upset when Patroclus was killed? (Give specific reasons from the text.)




20.   Was it fair that Achilles killed Hector? (Give specific reasons from the text.)




21.   Why were the gods involved in the Trojan War?




22.   Review some metaphors and similes in The Iliad and understand their meaning.

23.   Review the study guide for the test on The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, Antigone and Classic Greece History

24.   Review the study guide on the play, Antigone.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Antigone Study Guide

NAME:___________________________________                  Study Guide – Sophocles’ Antigone

Answer the following questions as you read the play. The answers to the questions can be found on the page numbers provided.

1.       Eteocles and Polynices are supposed to take turns ruling Thebes. They each get a chance to rule every other year. After Eteocles has his year to rule as king of Thebes, he decides that he does not want to give up the throne to his brother Polynices. Polynices decides to become king of Thebes by force. During the ensuing battle, Polynices and Eteocles kill each other. Who do YOU think is the traitor to the country of Thebes—Polynices or Eteocles? Who does King Creon think is the traitor (introduction)?


2.       What are some personality differences between Antigone and her sister Ismene (pp. 117-120)?


3.       How does Creon use the analogy of a ship to symbolize the government of a country (p. 124)?


4.       Why is Creon so mad about the burying of Polynices (pp. 128, 134)?


5.       What do Creon and Antigone argue about? What is each of their arguments? (pp. 136)


6.       What does Ismene say she will do if Antigone is sentenced to death? (p. 137)


7.       What is Haemon’s suggestion to his father? (p. 143)


8.       What two analogies does Haemon use to persuade his father to let Antigone go free? (p. 143)


9.       How are Creon and Haemon foils (opposites) of each other? (p. 144)


10.   How is Creon going to kill Antigone (p. 149)?


11.   Why does Tiresias come to speak to Creon (p. 154)?


12.   How does Creon accept his words (p. 155)?


13.   Creon says: “No woman, while I live, shall order me” (p. 136) and “Men that we are, must we be sent to school to learn discretion of a boy like this?” (p. 143). What is wrong with both of these statements?



14.   The Senator tells King Creon: “Ah, how thou seem’st to see the truth, too late” (p. 164). Why is it too late?


15.   What was King Creon’s character flaw which brought about this tragedy?