Saturday, October 19, 2013

Homework and Lecture Schedule 10/21 - 11/7

Homework and Lecture Schedule 10/21 - 11/7

M, 10/21: Why Homer? Why Greece? Why heroes?

“And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared.” -Homer

Homework: Read Homer Reading #1

Vocabulary List 8A, Due TH, 10/24.
Vocabulary List #8A

T, 10/22: First Greek Gods – Talk about each one. Break up into groups. Color a picture of each god and put them up.

“Be still my heart; thou hast known worse than this.” Homer

Homework: Review second term writing assignment. Pick a Greek myth to retell. Read some versions of Greek myths on the internet. Pick a myth by Friday (A) 10/25 or Friday (B) 11/1. First Draft Due, Friday 11/8 (A) or Friday, 11/15 (B).

*Write a paragraph about your favorite Super Hero and why he is the best. Remember to have another person read your paragraph and sign it. Due: W, 10/23.

Read Homer Reading #2.

W, 10/23: Super Heroes: Why were these men all larger than life? Go over names. Write a list and study them. Reading #2 discuss and quiz.

“Even where sleep is concerned, too much is a bad thing.” Homer

Homework:  Due: TH, 10/24 Write a paragraph about your favorite Super Hero and why he is the best. Due TH, 10/24.

TH, 10/24: Read paragraphs, vocab quiz and Minoan Krete

“In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare!” Homer

Homework: Reading # 3 of Homer. Pick your Greek Myth.

F, 10/25 (B): Socratic Discussion: What causes you to be afraid? Discuss Greek Myths they have chosen.

 M, 10/28: Do map in class. Major Regions of Greece. Mycenean Greece and Early Archaic Greece

“Light is the task where many share the toil.” Homer

Homework: Reading #4 of Homer. Due: T, 10/29. Food for Greek/Near East Celebration. Due TH 10/31.

Vocabulary List, 9A, Due TH, 10/31.
Vocabulary List #9A

T, 10/29: Quiz on Major Regions of Greece. Quiz on Homer.

“The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others.” Homer

Homework: Reading #5 of Homer.

Write a scary Halloween story. We will read these at our Halloween Party. Due, TH, 10/31.

W, 10/30: Greek and Roman Holidays and food festival.

“The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for.” Homer

Homework: Read #6 of Homer. Bring in Food for Celebration. Due TH 10/31

TH, 10/31: Halloween Party. Food party. Colonization of Greeks and Introduction to Sophocles

“I feel like a human piƱata. The disappointing thing is, no candy is going to spill out.” Katie Couric

Homework: Reading #7 of Homer, Due M, 11/4.

 F, 11/1 (B): Socratic Discussion: What makes you afraid?  Review second term writing assignment. Discuss Greek Myth.

M, 11/4: Greek Society, Art, and Architecture & Sophocles, Oedipus Rex. QUIZ #5 for the Iliad

Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid.” Homer

Homework: Reading #8 of Homer pp. 188-195 .

*Start Lyric Poetry Assignment. Due: W, 11/6. Write a poem that uses metaphor and simile about love, war, death, or friendship.

Vocabulary List #10A. Due TH, 11/7.
Vocabulary List #10A

T, 11/5: Lyric Poetry and Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

“Yet, taught by time, my heart has learned to glow for other’s good, and melt at other’s woe.” Homer

Homework: Finish Poetry Assignment, Due: W, 11/6. Read #9 of Homer pp. 205-221.

W, 11/6: Read Poetry. Early Sparta. Oedipus Rex.

“Without a sign, his sword the brave man draws, and asks no omen, but his country’s cause.” Homer

Homework: Reading #10 of Homer pp. 230-240. Finish The Iliad! Due TH, 11/7                 

TH, 11/7: Archaic Athens and Comparing Governments. Finish Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

“To have a great man for an intimate friend seems pleasant to those who have never tried it; those who have, fear it.” Homer

Homework: Fill out Study Guide on The Iliad and Ancient Greek History. Due M, 11/11.  Test will be on Tuesday, 11/12. There will be a Test Study Session on Monday after school from 3:30 to 4:15 PM.                                         

F, 11/8 (A): Socratic Discussion: Why do people in our society have a fascination with Super Heroes?  Review second term writing assignment. First Draft Due.

Reading Schedule for Homer, Iliad and Odyssey

Reading Schedule for Homer, Iliad and Odyssey

Iliad                                                                       Date Due

#1           1.1 - 643 (pp. 1 - 19)                         T, 10/22

#2           2.1 - 932 (pp. 20 - 27)                      W, 10/23

#3           3.1 - 488 (pp. 28- - 42)                     M, 10/28

#4           6.1 - 559 (pp. 69 - 82)                      T, 10/29

#5           9.1 - 738 (pp. 92 - 106)                    W, 10/30

#6           16.1 - 906 (pp. 153 - 174)               TH, 10/31

#7           18.1 - 661 (pp. 175 - 187)               M, 11/4

#8           19.1 - 453 (pp. 188 - 195)               T, 11/5

#9           22.1 - 575 (pp. 205 - 221)               W, 11/6

#10         24.1 - 860 (pp. 230 - 240)               TH, 11/7


#11         1.1 - 470 (pp. 241 - 254)                  W, 11/13

#12         5.1 - 502 (pp. 269 - 284)                  TH, 11/14

#13         6.1 - 339 (pp. 284 - 293)                  M, 11/18

#14         9.1 - 561 (pp. 298 - 314)                  T, 11/19

#15         10.1 - 597 (pp. 314 - 331)               W, 11/20

#16         11.1 - 341 (pp. 332 - 341)               TH, 11/21

#17         11.342 - 675 (pp. 341 - 351)           M, 11/25

#18         12.1 - 471 (pp. 352 - 365)               T, 11/26

#19         16.1 – 339, 21.1 - 463 (pp. 378 – 388, 432-436)      M. 12/2

#20         23.1 - 388 (pp. 437 - 465)               T. 12/3

Second Quarter Parent and Student Letter

October 21, 2013

RE: Second Quarter

Dear Parents and Students,

This is the Second Quarter! This will be a more difficult quarter in our Socratic class. I want to make sure that all parents and students know when to plan for tests and for projects this quarter. The following is a list of the tests and the projects for this quarter and when they are due.


T, 11/12 – Test on Archaic Greece and The Iliad

TH, 12/5 – Test on The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, Antigone, and Classic Greece History

Finals – W, 12/18, TH, 12/19, F, 12/20


Second Term Writing Assignment: Pick a Greek myth and retell the story using dialogue and details. Your focus should be to enable your reader to see, feel, and understand the characters in the myth. You are not simply relating the facts, but telling a story that is interesting and appealing to read.

Pick a Myth. Due F, 10/25 (A), and F, 11/1 (B); First Draft. Due F, 11.8 (A) and F, 11/15 (B); Final Paper. Due, TH, 11/21.

Greek PowerPoint Presentation: Pick one aspect of the Greek civilization (such as government, coinage, weapons, clothing, Olympics, etc.) and do some research. Make an 8 slide PowerPoint presentation and present it to the class. Due, T  12/10.

We will also be reading and studying The Iliad and The Odyssey this quarter. We will begin the readings on October 21 and continue until December 3. Each student has a copy of the reading schedule and I have posted it on the class blogsite. This letter is also on the blogsite, too. There will also be weekly vocabulary lists, weekly writing assignments, and readings in our packet that will continue this quarter.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you for your support!

Marianna Richardson

9th Grade Socratic Teacher


___________________________________      ______________________________________

Parent Signature                                                              Student Name (Please Print)

*If this letter is turned in by Thursday, October 24 2013, your student will receive 5 extra credit points.