Homework and Lecture Schedule 10/21 - 11/7
M, 10/21:
Why Homer? Why Greece? Why heroes?
“And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared.” -Homer
Homework: Read Homer Reading #1
Vocabulary List 8A, Due TH, 10/24.
Vocabulary List
T, 10/22:
First Greek Gods – Talk about each one. Break up into groups. Color a picture
of each god and put them up.
“Be still my heart; thou hast known worse than this.” Homer
Homework: Review second
term writing assignment. Pick a Greek myth to retell. Read some versions of
Greek myths on the internet. Pick a myth by Friday (A) 10/25 or Friday (B) 11/1.
First Draft Due, Friday 11/8 (A) or Friday, 11/15 (B).
*Write a paragraph about your favorite Super Hero and why he
is the best. Remember to have another person read your paragraph and sign it.
Due: W, 10/23.
Read Homer Reading #2.
W, 10/23:
Super Heroes: Why were these men all larger than life? Go over names. Write a
list and study them. Reading #2 discuss and quiz.
“Even where sleep is concerned, too much is a bad thing.”
Homework: Due:
TH, 10/24 Write a paragraph about your favorite Super Hero and why he is the
best. Due TH, 10/24.
TH, 10/24:
Read paragraphs, vocab quiz and Minoan Krete
“In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare!” Homer
Homework: Reading # 3 of
Homer. Pick your Greek Myth.
F, 10/25 (B):
Socratic Discussion: What causes you to be afraid? Discuss Greek Myths they
have chosen.
M, 10/28: Do map in class. Major Regions of Greece. Mycenean
Greece and Early Archaic Greece
“Light is the task where many share the toil.” Homer
Homework: Reading #4 of Homer. Due: T, 10/29. Food
for Greek/Near East Celebration. Due TH 10/31.
Vocabulary List, 9A, Due TH, 10/31.
Vocabulary List #9A
T, 10/29:
Quiz on Major Regions of Greece. Quiz on Homer.
“The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to
others.” Homer
Homework: Reading #5 of Homer.
Write a scary Halloween story. We will read these at our
Halloween Party. Due, TH, 10/31.
W, 10/30:
Greek and Roman Holidays and food festival.
“The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to
find a friend worth dying for.” Homer
Homework: Read #6 of Homer. Bring in Food for
Celebration. Due TH 10/31
TH, 10/31:
Halloween Party. Food party. Colonization of Greeks and Introduction to
“I feel like a human piƱata. The disappointing thing is, no
candy is going to spill out.” Katie Couric
Reading #7 of Homer, Due M, 11/4.
F, 11/1 (B): Socratic Discussion: What makes you afraid?
Review second term writing assignment. Discuss Greek Myth.
M, 11/4:
Greek Society, Art, and Architecture & Sophocles, Oedipus Rex. QUIZ #5 for the Iliad
“Words empty as
the wind are best left unsaid.” Homer
Homework: Reading #8 of Homer pp. 188-195 .
*Start Lyric Poetry Assignment. Due: W, 11/6. Write a poem that uses metaphor and simile about love, war, death, or friendship.
Vocabulary List #10A. Due TH, 11/7.
Vocabulary List #10A
T, 11/5:
Lyric Poetry and Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“Yet, taught by time,
my heart has learned to glow for other’s good, and melt at other’s woe.” Homer
Homework: Finish Poetry Assignment, Due: W, 11/6. Read #9 of
Homer pp. 205-221.
W, 11/6:
Read Poetry. Early Sparta. Oedipus Rex.
“Without a sign, his sword the brave man draws, and asks no
omen, but his country’s cause.” Homer
Homework: Reading #10
of Homer pp. 230-240. Finish The Iliad! Due TH, 11/7
TH, 11/7:
Archaic Athens and Comparing Governments. Finish Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
“To have a great man
for an intimate friend seems pleasant to those who have never tried it; those
who have, fear it.” Homer
Homework: Fill out Study
Guide on The Iliad and Ancient Greek History. Due M, 11/11. Test will be on Tuesday, 11/12. There will be a Test Study Session on Monday after school from 3:30 to 4:15 PM.
F, 11/8 (A):
Socratic Discussion: Why do people in our society have a fascination with Super
Heroes? Review second term writing
assignment. First Draft Due.